Thursday, May 8, 2008

Who's a fairy?

After his bath, Birdie came into the baby’s room to put on his pajamas while I was getting the baby ready for bed. He does this every night. I often wonder if he likes companionship when he gets dressed or if he likes to show everyone his nakedness.

He is a bit of an exhibitionist which completely cracks me up, because seriously, if you can’t enjoy being naked when you are young and cute, then when can you? It drives my parents completely crazy that he will walk through the house announcing his nudity and they tell him to go put his clothes on immediately.

He thinks that is hilarious because he gets a rise out of them and makes everyone looks at his exposed self, and I think it is hilarious that he thinks it is hilarious.
He is going to be trouble.

After getting himself dressed, he asked if he could get the baby’s butterfly wings out of the closet. What? Your daughter doesn’t have butterfly wings? Shame on you! You gotta be prepared for every girl emergency, you know.

I feel Birdie tap on my leg and I turned to see him wearing those wings and an angelic smile.
“Am I a fairy?” He asked sweetly.
“Yes.” I say, “Go tell your father that you are a fairy.”
He runs off excitedly.
I hear heated conversing in the other room and a string of noyou’renotsandyesiams.
Finally, Birdie comes back looking dejected.

“Daddy says I am a moth.”

1 comment:

Katy said...

Really, Michelle?!? You're surprised your son is an exhibitionist?!? Do you not remember the awkward torture you afflicted me with in college? I'm gonna leave it at that... ;)