Friday, April 18, 2008

Birdie Boy

My first born is nick named birdie boy because when he would finish eating, he would purse his lips into a beak like shape and pull his arms up to his body in a way that reminded me of a tiny baby bird. He was and still is yummy and wonderful. He is five now. He has changed so much that sometimes I look at his growing body and wonder who is that person? His mind works over time and he asks the most hysterical questions. A sample of an everyday exchange:

Birdie: Where are the Indians?
Me: (trying to keep it simple and not thinking it through) Well, America was full of Indians, but the white man came and took over the land and some of them died.
Birdie: Did the white man kill them?
Me: (uh-oh) Well...not really....but the white man killed the buffalo that they needed for food and they were forced to live on a small part of land in America.
Birdie: Why did the white man kill the buffalo?
Me: Ummm...they killed them for their horns and skin.
Birdie: That was not very nice of the white man to kill the buffalo and Indians.
Me: No, you are right.
Birdie: Who are the white man?
Me: We are the white man.
Birdie: (horrified) IAMAWHITEMAN??!!!???
I hope that this is not a life long disappointment.


Katy said...

Yay! Welcome to blog world! Loved your post!

KatBouska said...

Hi I just wandered into your blog while browsing and noticed your new here ;) welcome. And your son sounds like a genius! What a bright little guy. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Kids say some funny things! JG fell out of the bed this morning and without skipping a beat said, "It's alright, I've done this before." So funny, these two!

daddio said...

I think you drink more wine thatn you cook ! Not raised that way, but your still a Princess to me!